Welcome to Textbook Exchange Project!
The Textbook Exchange application allows students of a university to exchange textbooks with one another.
Each student must submit his or her name and school email. Every student can make multiple offers to sell a textbook as well as multiple requests to buy a textbook. Each offer includes the offering student's information, book details, current condition of the book, and targeted price to sell the book. Each request includes the requesting student's information, book details, desired condition of book, and desired price to pay for the book. Every book has a set of details to describe it which include: name, edition, ISBN number, and the price of a brand new book from the bookstore.
About Textbook-Exchange Data Model
Working Parts of Textbook Exchange web application
The Textbook Exchange application is not completely functional at this point in time. So far the database works for the following actions:
- Creating a student account
- Editing a student account
- Deleting a student account
- Viewing all students in database
- Creating a new book
- Viewing all books in database
- Viewing a specific book
The following actions have still not be implemented:
- Login page has no functionality
- Editing a book
- Adding a new offer/request to the database
- Viewing all offers and requests in the database
- Editing an offer/request in the database
- ISBN search fields
Screenshots of Textbook-Exchange web application
About the Project
For more details on this project see: